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Speech by Mr. Mohammad Reza Mahdavi, Head of the Fajr Laboratory of Sari, at the Seventh National Genetic Counseling Seminar and its role in preventing disabilities

In this regard, Dr. Mahdavi has studied a rare genetic disease called morqui disease, which causes some problems in bone formation. Studies have shown that there are some single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the GALNS gene that have a significant relationship with this disease. In the present study, there was a mutation in this gene that has not been observed in Morocco patients in Iran so far, and in some studies outside of the country, despite the report of this mutation, no significant effect of this mutation on Morocco disease has been reported. Following Dr. Mahdavi’s orders today, with the use of equipment and also geneticists in the country, genetic diseases can be detected, though rare, and provide solutions for the treatment of patients. The Laboratory of Genetics of Medicine and Pajote Biology of Fajr Sari, with the possession of the necessary equipment as well as the benefit of specialists, are able to carry out these tests in the shortest time and at a minimum cost.

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 جوابدهی از ساعت ۴عصر  الی ۷ شب


آدرس آزمایشگاه

آدرس آزمایشگاه فجر در نقشه

آدرس : ساری، ابتدای بلوار کشاورز، جنب پل شهید سردار نبوی، ساختمان دکتر مهدوی

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