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Biosensor technology and help better treat diseases

Biosensor technology and help better treat diseases

The use of new technologies to better understand the structure and function of biological membranes can lead to the design of new methods for treating diseases.

Each of our body cells is formed by an outer covering called the biomembrane. This extraordinarily natural, nanoscale structure, like a special protective and protective coating, covers the cell and allows the cell to perform its natural functions while defending itself..

Internal and external regulation of cell life and death is accomplished through the strong but flexible structure of the biological membrane. But the ability of this nanostructure to act and react with everything around it has made it difficult to study.

Until now, scientists have been unable to fully grasp the condition of damaged biological membranes following disease; But now, using new technology that has opened up new horizons for study, they can study how a biological membrane works, including how it responds when an attacking molecule attacks..

Professor Mabel Aguileraleads a research group from the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Research Institute Is in charge. This group pioneers the use of refreshing biosensors that make it possible to study how biomembranes attach to biomolecules.

This technology makes it possible to study molecules whose effects have been linked to membrane interactions, including hormones and antibacterial agents .

Says Professor Aguiler:

We can design new molecules that help the biofilm resist resistance to the invading molecule or unwanted drug side effects.

he sayes:

We can design molecules that enter the cell and destroy the biological membrane; Such as factors that preferentially enter invading organisms and destroy them. This method can An effective way to design new antiseptic drugs is by targeting undesirable invasive cells

In an article in the journal Chemical Reviews Published by Professor Aguiler et al., The first authoritative review of membrane-based optical biosensors and a diagram of how biosensor technologies are being developed. This article also highlights the capabilities of these new biosensors. Among these new capabilities is the ability for researchers to study how a biological membrane reacts when a molecule binds to a membrane, and for researchers to observe that molecule trying to penetrate a cell..

Says Professor Aguiler:

This review article highlights the interesting capabilities of biosensor technology. This technology has a significant impact on our ability to design more effective solutions for the treatment of diseases associated with membrane interactions such as cancer, diseaseWill have cardiovascular and bacterial resistance.



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آدرس : ساری، ابتدای بلوار کشاورز، جنب پل شهید سردار نبوی، ساختمان دکتر مهدوی

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