In general, thyroid tests are requested when thyroid dysfunction, pituitary gland, hypothalamus are evident. Results of TH and TSH concentrations can be confusing when there is a slight degree of suspicion of HPT-related disorder and other non-thyroid diseases.

Accordingly, in the presence of abnormal levels of TFTs, the first step is to re-examine the patients’ clinical condition in order to take appropriate action. While many diagnostic laboratories have identified suffering for the hormones T3, T4, and TSH, there is evidence that these sufferings may not be appropriate under certain conditions, such as TSH suffering in serum affected by race, iodine uptake, sex, Age is the amount of body mass. Pregnancy is also associated with changes in TH and TSH levels.

When requesting and interpreting a TSH test result, it is recommended:

Always ask for a test (TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone) in the morning and on an empty stomach.

2- To monitor thyroid diseases, the patient should always come at a certain time, preferably in the morning.

2- To monitor thyroid diseases, the patient should always come at a certain time, preferably in the morning. * Acute and chronic stress, long trips, surgery, short or long hospital stay, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, chronic and excessive fatigue, walking and strenuous exercise, mountaineering, prolonged hunger and fasting, menstruation, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives Pregnancy, serum injection, acute and chronic infections, insomnia and waking up at night, etc. ** The presence of these variables, in many cases, change the level of TSH to several times normal.

By eliminating many of these variables, in the absence of clinical evidence of thyroid disease, the TSH response quickly returns to normal. The intensity and effect of these variables are much more significant in cases of Uperlimit TSH intermediate response.

The intensity and effect of these variables are much more significant in cases of Uperlimit TSH intermediate response.

TSH test has daily fluctuations of up to 35%.

6- TSH test has seasonal fluctuations.

7- The patient should go to a laboratory to perform TFT and TSH tests; The variety of TSH measurement methods and the different sensitivity and specificity of laboratory methods often lead to different TSH results.

8- If it is necessary to compare the results of the TSH test between two laboratories, the best suggestion is to sample in one place and divide the serum and send it between two laboratories that have the same and reliable method of measuring TSH.

9- TSH test of a patient due to pre-test variables and complex physiological conditions of a person in 65% of cases is not comparable with the results of TSH test even the next day.

10. If the TSH results do not match the patient’s clinical symptoms, the best laboratory advice is to request a repeat test on the same sample in the first laboratory or to send the same sample in the laboratory to the second trusted laboratory.

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 جوابدهی از ساعت ۴عصر  الی ۷ شب


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