Hi, Harmony test is a non-invasive method for diagnosing fetal trisomies, based on analysis and examination of fetal DNA in the mother’s blood. Harmony testing is an early and reliable screening method for diagnosing the most common chromosomal abnormalities and determining the sex of the fetus using the mother’s blood, which can be performed from the tenth week of pregnancy onwards. The accuracy of this test is 99.7%.

راهنمای مراجعین

ساعات کاری

شنبه تا چهارشنبه ۶صبح-۷عصر
پنجشنبه ۶صبح-۴عصر

 جوابدهی از ساعت ۴عصر  الی ۷ شب


آدرس آزمایشگاه

آدرس آزمایشگاه فجر در نقشه

آدرس : ساری، ابتدای بلوار کشاورز، جنب پل شهید سردار نبوی، ساختمان دکتر مهدوی

Contract organisations

Fajr Sari Laboratory for the Advancement of Dear Patients With More Than 20 Insurance Companies

  1. Social security (normal, special, midwife)
  2. Health services (state employees, Iranian services, villagers, other classes)
  3. The Armed forces
  4. Banks: National Bank, Nation, Export, Sepah, Welfare, Agriculture, Trade, Industry and Mine
  5. aid Committee
  6. Welfare
  7. The steel and coal staff
  8. Oil Company
  9. Iran Insurance
  10. Radio and Television
  1. Hafez atiesazan Insurance
  2. arman Insurance
  3. parsian Insurance
  4. maa insurance
  5. Dana Insurance
  6. Insurance Asia
  7. novin insurance
  8. Alborz Insurance
  9. dey Insurance
  10. Razi Insurance Company

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