Welcome to Fajr Lab Privacy Policy.
The Fajr Medical Pathology and Genetics Laboratory (Dr. Mahdavi) has started an independent laboratory of its activities and services in the field of medical diagnostic tests since 1380. To improve the quality of the results and customer satisfaction and also to play an effective role in the health system of the Ministry of Health Is determined to provide customers with trained and capable staff, using validated and up-to-date equipment as well as validated testing methods, and provide a constructive role in engaging and consulting with doctors and patient care systems.
Fajr Labs located in Sari, Keshavarz Blvd, Dr. Dadkhah’s Building. Privacy Policy for visitors and users of the Fjer Lab site describes how to manage user personal information.
The word “us” is here “Fajr Lab”.
The term “policy” here is “privacy policy”.
Types of personal information we collect
We collect specific information from our users and visitors.
The most commonly used data we collect include the username, email, contact number (if inserted in the panel), your responses to polls, surveys, comments, and user-form information.
Data collected specifically from doctors-doctors, including your username, email, contact number (if inserted in the user’s panel), your answers to polls and surveys, comments, information collected on forms by physicians.
How do we collect personal information?
We will collect this information when you complete a membership form, when you complete the application form, when you register a comment and when you participate in a survey.
Web analytics data is collected when you are surfing the site.
Personal information we collect from other ports
In addition to the data we receive directly from you, in certain cases, we collect a bunch of your personal information from other sources. These resources include:
Third-party providers like Google that use information about your user when connected to or logged on to that server for analysis on services such as Google Analytics. This information is managed by servers and depends on your privacy settings on that server.
How do we use your personal information?
We use your personal information in the following ways:
Facilitate the process of checking your message when you attempt to insert your information on the Fajr Lab site.
When it is necessary to track your successful and unsuccessful posting on the site.
When it is necessary to check the user is responsible for what legal action has been taken with the site. Such as:
Check your identity when you login to the site.
Checking and responding to you in order to resolve the issue or resolve the disagreement that has arisen with you regarding what is happening between us and us.
Keep you updated on structural changes and changes to the Fajr Labs website or its services
Notification regarding the site
Perform technical analysis to improve the site and its services
Manage Fajr Labs with you, like responding to your views and reviewing your feedback on various referrals
Upgrade service
In cases of accountability to governmental or judicial authorities
Where do we keep your personal information
Your personal information will only be kept on the servers of the Fajr Lab site
How We Keep Your Personal Information Safe
We keep your personal information on Fajr Secure Labs servers that are managed by us and the server. Personal information stored with security and access control includes authentication with username and password, authentication of two factors, and, where necessary, with data encryption.
How can you contact us?
Experimental Fajr is located in Sari, at the beginning of Keshavarz Blvd, Dr. Dadkhah’s building, which you can contact us via the contact us on the website.